Set up React Native project

Create a new React Native project using React Native CLI.

npx react-native init MyMapApp

Install required dependencies

React-native-maps: A React Native library for integrating maps.

npm i react-native-maps

Set Up Firebase : Firebase SDK for real-time database.

# Using npm
npm install --save @react-native-firebase/app

@React-native-community/geolocation: For accessing device location.

npm i @react-native-community/geolocation

Set up Google Maps API

With the help of Google Cloud Console to obtain an API key for Google Maps. Make sure to activate the relevant APIs, such as the Maps SDK for Android and iOS

Set up Firebase Realtime Database

Create a Firebase project and enable Realtime Database. The Firebase comes up with instruction on ‘how to setup firebase

Implement live map tracking

  • Pick the best map packages available.
  • Utilize @react-native-community/geolocation to get the user’s current location.
  • Set up Firebase Realtime Database to store and acces live location.
  • Code with approporiate functions to update the user’s location in real-time and display it on the map.

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