
Model-view-controller (MVC) web applications are designed to be developed using the Laravel PHP web framework, which is free and open-source and built on the Symfony platform. It was developed by Taylor Otwell. By offering several capabilities right out of the box, Laravel removes a lot of the labor-intensive aspects of web development, including:

  • A robust routing system
  • A powerful ORM for database access
  • A templating engine
  • A built-in authentication and authorization system
  • A caching system
  • A job queue
  • A unit testing framework

Because it is scalable, quick to learn, and easy to use, Laravel is a popular option for web development. It boasts a sizable and vibrant neighborhood in addition to being well-maintained.

Laravel Project Structure

Model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, which divides the application’s functionality from its user interface, is the foundation of the Laravel project structure. As a result, the code is easier to maintain and more organized.

A Laravel project’s root directory includes the following directories:

  • app: The main source code of your application, including views, controllers, models, and other classes, is located in this directory.
  • bootstrap: The Laravel bootstrapping files, which load the application configuration and initialize the framework, are located in this directory.
  • config: The Laravel configuration files, located in this directory, regulate several aspects of the framework, including caching, routing, and database connections.
  • database: The database files, including the migration scripts and database schema, are located in this directory.
  • public:The front controller and your assets (images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) are located in this directory.
  • resources: Your views, localization files, and raw assets (LESS, SASS, and CoffeeScript) are all located in this directory.

Working with Databases

There are several ways to work with databases using Laravel. Using the Eloquent object-relational mapper (ORM) is the most popular method. Using your database tables as PHP objects and interacting with them is made easy and elegant with Eloquent.

For each database table, you must first develop a model class before you can use Eloquent. The command php artisan make:model can be used for this. You can use a model class to do CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) actions on your database tables after you’ve built one.

Laravel has a query builder and a database façade in addition to Eloquent. You can write unprocessed SQL queries using the query builder. You can easily access the database with the database façade and not have to worry about the implementation details underneath.

Depending on your needs and preferences, you can work with databases in Laravel using any approach you desire. Eloquent is a wonderful option if you want to interface with your database in a straightforward and elegant manner. Use the database facade or query builder if you require greater control over your queries.

Error Handling and Logging in Laravel

A reliable error handling and logging mechanism is included by default with Laravel. This makes it simple to control and modify error handling in accordance with the specifications of your project.

The major elements of Laravel’s error management comprise:

  • Exception Handling: Any exceptions that arise within your application are caught and handled by Laravel’s exception handling system. It offers a centralized area to manage various exception kinds and regulate their logging and presentation.
  • Logging: With Laravel’s logging system, you may alert your colleagues via Slack as well as files and the system error log. Laravel provides an extensible and robust logging system by utilizing the Monolog library.

Laravel is set up by default to generate a single log file for your application. The storage/logs directory is where this file is kept. The logging settings can be altered to suit the requirements of your project. For instance, you can transmit log messages to an external service or make distinct log files for each kind of message.


In summary, both novice and seasoned developers will find Laravel to be a robust and feature-rich PHP framework. It is a desirable option for many different web development projects because of its elegance, large ecosystem, and focus on developer productivity. Nevertheless, Laravel’s applicability will rely on your PHP experience as well as the particular requirements of your project.

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